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  • Data were manually extracted from patient medical records on site at the clinic and compiled with all personal identifying information removed. Data were collected from the surgery date through a minimum of 4-6 weeks post surgery.⁸

    Retrospective chart review (N=635)


OMIDRIA reduces the use of PEDs and surgical time

OMIDRIA reduces the use of PEDs and surgical time for a more comfortable surgery experience⁵˒⁶˒⁸˒⁹

  • Mean surgical time with OMIDRIA was significantly shorter compared to epinephrine (10.1 vs 14.3 minutes; P=0.0068) in high-risk patients⁶

  • Mean surgical time with OMIDRIA was significantly shorter compared to epinephrine (8.10 vs 9.39 minutes; P=0.007) in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgeries⁹

OMIDRIA was 4-6 times more effective in miosis prevention than either ketorolac or phenylephrine alone.⁷