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effectively maintains pupil dilation

and requires less use of PEDs¹⁻⁶

Reduces complications

such as IFIS, CME, and breakthrough iritis⁷⁻⁸

improveS patient experience

with less pain, greater visual acuity, and fewer to no drops¹⁻²˒⁸˒¹¹

OMIDRIA, the only FDA approved intracameral NSAID


of patients fail to properly administer eye drops


instill an incorrect amount of eye drops


miss their eye

Postoperative cataract surgery drops:
Place control and surgical outcomes in hands of the patient
Create a burden for patients, surgeons and their staff

Why go dropless?

NSAIDs alone resulted in a 2x lower rate of CME at 6 weeks vs steroid monotherapy¹⁰
Combination of an NSAID and steroid provides the best inflammation control compared to a single drug alone.¹⁰

Why go dropless with OMIDRIA?

OMIDRIA, containing intraocular ketorolac, delivers a patient-preferred, dropless cataract surgery solution as effective as a standard topical regimen¹¹