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effectively maintains pupil dilation

and requires less use of PEDs¹⁻⁶

Reduces complications

such as IFIS, CME, and breakthrough iritis⁷⁻⁸

improveS patient experience

with less pain, greater visual acuity, and fewer to no drops¹²˒˒¹¹

OMIDRIA blocks the inflammatory cascade before it starts and leads to positive patient outcomes

Delivering an intraocular NSAID directly at the site of care

OMIDRIA, the only FDA-approved intracameral NSAID

Reduces CME, breakthrough iritis, and pain without using a steroid

VMT=vitreomacular traction.

OMIDRIA reduces pain during and after surgery

  • The ketorolac component of intracameral OMIDRIA provides higher concentrations compared to topical drops⁸˒¹⁹

  • Fewer drops are needed for cataract surgery, so there is a less demanding routine for you, your staff, and your patients

  • OMIDRIA is easy to integrate into your surgical routine¹